Dec 11, 2013
Sememangnye xde keje
POSTED BY Aqilah Shafiah☆ @8:15 AM 0 person left me a note
hye dudes, hye peeps, hye fellas,..
Assalamualaikum w.b.t (jawab! jgn xjawab..) nieh tibe2 nk update blog...
i don't quiet know why...rindu kot blog nieh..rindu nk menaip panjang2...
yelah dh xde org nk dgr ak bebel dh... :'(
so hari tuh selesai sudah jamuan..n skarang ak tgh update video...
pening laptop nie lembab, rase mcm nk baling dot dot dot dot...
*tgk betape xbersyukur jek...Alhamdulillah...
so...wish me luck...coz i really need it...
naik pitam pon hado jgk neh...
akn update dkt dlm blog nieh as soon as video siap...
Ya Allah..sgt2 berharap video nieh jadik cantik..
i wanna unleash my full potential..ngeee,..bajet2 jek..
p/s smalam tgk citer 'the christmas heart...sgt2 best..makes me remind myself that i always need to have faith in god..which is Allah....Allah huakbar... <3
segale yg baik itu dtgnye dr Allah, yg buruk itu dr diri saye sendiri,

Dec 8, 2013
Hari Sabtu punye cerite
POSTED BY Aqilah Shafiah☆ @8:46 AM 0 person left me a note
Assalamualaikum peeps.. (jgn lupe jawab)
rojak sudah blog hari sabtu hari tuh kluar with family..
we decided to watch disney new movie...FROZEN..
it was...SUPERB!!.it was a musical story...
but still the music was quiet catchy...
love how it was about loving your sisters...
yahh...hari tuh, otw nk pegi tgk movie tuh pon ak bleh gadoh ngan adek rase silly lah pulak gadoh bende kecik mcm tuh lps ak tgk citer nieh..
but unfortunately, xdpt nk tgk ending die...coz i've got to go to pray..
hell yeah i'd asked my sister yg watched movie tuh ape end die...hmmm..
good times..
Olaf sgt awesome!! cheeky little Olaf !
so siape yg xtgk citer nieh lg...go now! go! Just go..pegi tgk...*lps tuh dtg sinih balik follow..hihih...
then we went to popular...xcadang pon nak beli buku...
tetibe teringat satu buku yg ade buku yg ak bace nieh cadang..*agak confuse ayt nye....
dpt lah buku-buku nieh..
sekian sahaje cerite nye kali review mungkin akan muncul kemudian..*mungkin...hihihi
yang baik itu dtg dari Allah, yg buruk itu dtg dr ak sendiri.

so this my first challenge..
every Sunday..i will try to post my sketch's kinda ugly..
but it's a challenge alright.. it is....tara tat tara..
segale yang baik itu dtgnye dr Allah, yg buruk itu dr saye sendiri..

Dec 4, 2013
A start of a new journey
POSTED BY Aqilah Shafiah☆ @2:01 PM 0 person left me a note
Assalamualaikum peeps..*xjawab dosa, kalau jawab, InsyaAllah dpt pahala..heee
so here it is..again...Shafiah Aqilah Mohd Jamal..
with a new blog...and a different aim...
this time it's all about my project after SPM...
yes! i've made it this far...
finally, this is what i've been waiting for...
jangan lupe...this is not only a blog...
but it's gonna be a vlog...
stay tune for more...
don't forget to follow this blog, eyt!
new goal,

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